A Ruby implementation for astrophotographic and visual calculations. It runs direct on the command line. Neither user interface nor graphics support are available. If you want more comfort and much more features get the free .NET version!

"AstroDigital.Net for Ruby“ is freeware and it is distributed as a single, free-of-charge ZIP package.
Operating Systems: MacOSX 10.7.5 (tested)
Interpreter: Ruby v1.8.7 (supplied with MacOSX 10.7.5)
You can download a stable version right now. Just click on the link below:

- Download the zip file
- Extract it in your home directory
- Enter „Ruby -v" to detect if Ruby is already installed on your computer. If not, download the perl package and install it.
- Edit the Ruby file and remove the comments (i.e. activate) of the telescope, eyepiece and CCD of your interest
- Enter " Ruby AstroDigital.Net.rb „ to run the program.
- If your telescope is not included, you can easily configure it in the script using a text editor.